Friday, April 9, 2010

Step By Step Guide To Ask Questions Online

Internet is majorly used to seek information and get guidance regarding any subject of life. Different question and answers portals prevail on the internet that help in channelizing the information and give you the opportunity to ask your question directly and get an instant answer. Although there are many question and answer portals on the internet but due to simplicity in usage and design, I will recommend going with

Here is a step by step guide on how to go about asking questions on this portal and you can also use the same procedure to answer question if you are an expert in any field.

1.    Firstly navigate to

2.    After you land on the first page of maybenow, click ask a question button

3.    In the question field, enter the title of your question and make sure that it gives information regarding the question you are going to ask.

4.    After you click “ask now” button you will be redirected to a complete form which will allow you to enter further details regarding your questions. This is the field which is optional to fill but if you want comprehensive and detailed answers then it is recommended to make good use of it.

5.    Also make sure that once you post your completed question then do categorize it under the right category title. This will make your question quite visible to experts.

6.    It is recommended to use the full advantage of the social media integrated buttons on your question page. You can simultaneously post this on your Facebook as well as twitter.

These are some of the best practices when you use MayBeNow to ask question. In the same way you can also answer different questions according to your knowledge and expertise domain.

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